Vehicle and Robotics Engineering Lab

University Alabama at Birmingham

Contact: Dr. Vladimir Vantsevich,

The Vehicle and Robotics Engineering Laboratory (VREL) develops multi‐disciplined and multi‐domain systems engineering approach to engineer vehicle and robotic mechatronic systems in partnership with academia, industry, government research agencies, and Intergovernmental International organizations.

VREL provides conditions and equipment and facilities postgraduate, graduate and undergraduate research, works on contact projects with industry, and develops advanced academic and professional development courses and programs at all educational levels in the area on vehicle and robotic mechatronic systems engineering. VREL provides an avenue for the new academic track in the Department of Mechanical Engineering: “Mechatronic Systems Engineering with application to Vehicle and Robotics Engineering”

For more details on VREL, check the downloadable materials posted in the Mechatronics Education Forum's Repository.

Automation, Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory (ARMLAB)
Clemson University -- International Center for Automotive Research

Real-Time Mechatronics/Process Control Laboratory
NYU Tandon School of Engineering