The Future of Mechatronics & Robotics Education (FoMRE) Workshops
This workshop series is motivated by the tremendous, dynamic growth in Mechatronics and Robotics. To address the need for highly educated, multi-disciplinary professionals, many universities and colleges have introduced courses, minors, and degree programs. However, these efforts lack cohesion. Now is the time to unify and standardize educational material to make MRE education more widely available and easier to adopt.
The objectives of these workshops are to bring together industry and academic professionals in Mechatronics and Robotics, share experiences, and initiate efforts towards defining the field. We aim to encourage and facilitate the wide adoption of Mechatronics and Robotics degree programs. Workshop participants will learn about recent successes in offering these degrees, help influence the future of the field, and contribute to the growing Mechatronics and Robotics education community. The workshops will benefit a wide range of participants including educators teaching mechatronics and robotics courses, Ph.D. students seeking academic careers in mechatronics and robotics, and industry professionals desiring to shape the future workforce.
Workshop Organizers:
Mike Gennert, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Vikram Kapila, New York University
Nima Lotfi, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
James Mynderse, Lawrence Technological University
Workshop topics include:
Origins, goals, and mission of the Mechatronics & Robotics education community
Mechatronic & Robotics education knowledge bases
Project-based learning in Mechatronics & Robotics
Advanced and open-source platforms for Mechatronics & Robotics
Reducing barriers to adoption
Preparation to teach Mechatronics & Robotics
Upcoming workshop:
Curriculum and Course Design for Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education
June 21, 2020, 4.30 - 6 pm EDT (GMT-4) - ASEE 2020 Online Workshop
With the rapid growth in mechatronics and robotics engineering applications, the need for students with a strong multidisciplinary theoretical and experimental skillset is increasing. These students are the future engineers who will design, develop, and implement transformative autonomous technologies improving human health and welfare.
Recognizing the need for preparing highly-educated Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (MRE) professionals, many universities and colleges are adopting MRE as a distinct degree program. However, there is not a well-defined and unified framework for such programs, which can cause confusion and ambiguity among instructors and future employers.
Capitalizing on the outcomes of several workshops on the Future of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education, this workshop aims at
Preparing current and future MRE educators to effectively design curricula and teach courses in this discipline;
Familiarize MRE educators with the most recent technological and pedagogical advancements in the field of MRE education;
Help unify and standardize MRE curricula and courses; and
Generate enthusiasm and a sense of community among current and future MRE educators.
Workshop Agenda:
Session I:
- Robotics Engineering Curricula (Dr. Michael Gennert)
- Mechatronics Engineering Curricula (Dr. Vikram Kapila)Session II:
- Introduction to Robotics: Course organization and objectives; Homework, Labs, and Projects (Dr. Vikram Kapila and Dr. James Mynderse)Summary and Future Directions
Workshop Speakers
Dr. Michael A. Gennert, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Dr. Vikram Kapila, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Dr. Nima Lotfi, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Dr. Carlotta Berry, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Dr. Kevin McFall, Kennesaw State University
Dr. Musa Jouaneh, University of Rhode Island
Previous workshops:
FoMRE Workshop at Lawrence Technological University
September 27 - 28, 2019, Southfield, Michigan
The Future of Mechatronics & Robotics Education (FoMRE) workshop series was concluded by the 2-day event held at the Lawrence Technological University. The outcomes will contribute to shaping the future of mechatronics and robotics engineering education.
FoMRE Workshop at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
June 16, 2019, Tampa, Florida
The 3rd Future of Mechatronics & Robotics Education (FoMRE) was held at the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition in Tampa, Florida.
FoMRE Workshop at Robotics Summit & Expo 2019June 6, 2019, Boston, USA
The 2nd Future of Mechatronics & Robotics Education (FoMRE) was held in conjunction with the 2nd Robotics Summit & Expo in Boston, USA.
September 30, 2018, Atlanta, GA
The inaugural workshop on mechatronics and robotics education, was held in conjunction with the ASME's Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2018). Watch the webinar summarizing the outcomes of the workshop.
Mechatronics Education Innovation Webinar Series
In our webinar series, we want to introduce the community to some of the well-established mechatronics programs, and discuss the challenges of institutions starting new mechatronics programs. We want to look at the ways to improve current mechatronics curricula considering the technological advancements in the past few decades, and share ideas for student projects.
Watch the latest webinar The Waterloo RoboHub: What is it, and why should you care? with Dr. Brandon DeHart from the University of Waterloo.
Upcoming webinars:
stay tuned for future webinars announcements
Previous webinars:
Full versions of the previous webinars are available on the Mechatronics Education Community's Forum. Log in to your account and check the the Repository of shared materials (you must log in to access the Repository).
Creating a Mechatronics-specific Computing 2 Course
with guest presenter Dr. kevin McFall, Kennesaw State University
A Personal Evolution for Deployment of Mechatronics Robotics Courses
with guest presenter Dr. Venkat Krovi, Clemson University
Developing a Roadmap for Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education Based upon the Outcomes of the 1st NSF-sponsored FoMRE Workshop
with guest presenters Dr. Nima Lotfi, Dr. Vikram Kapila, Dr. Michael Gennert and Dr. James Mynderse
November 2018
Evolution and Growth of Mechatronics Technician A.S. Programs
with guest presenters Dr. Marilyn Barger, Gary Morgan, Doug Leven and Dan Horine
May 2018
Mechatronics and Robotics at Lawrence Tech: Pedagogies of Engagement
with guest presenter Dr. James Mynderse
April 2018
Synergy between Mechatronics Engineering and Industrial Engineering Curricula in a Small Engineering Department
with guest presenter Dr. Nebojsa Jaksic
March 2018
Robotics as an Undergraduate Major
with guest presenter Dr. Michael Gennert
February 2018
Mechatronics Activities at DIT: Now and into the Future
with guest presenter Dr. Nigel Kent
December 2017
Mechatronics Education and Research at the University of Waterloo
with guest presenter Dr. Wiliam Melek
October 2017
Mechatronics@NYU Tandon
with guest presenter Dr. Vikram Kapila
September 2017
For more videos, presentations, and other materials from the webinars and workshops, visit the community's Forum, and browse the Repository of shared resources (to access the Repository, you need to login using your Forum account).