WORKSHOP: Curriculum and Course Design for Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education

June 21, 2020, 9 am - 12 pm
Montreal, Canada, in conjunction with the 2020 ASEE Conference and Expo

With the rapid growth in mechatronics and robotics engineering applications, the need for students with a strong multidisciplinary theoretical and experimental skillset is increasing. These students are the future engineers who will design, develop, and implement transformative autonomous technologies improving human health and welfare.

Recognizing the need for preparing highly-educated Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (MRE) professionals, many universities and colleges are adopting MRE as a distinct degree program. However, there is not a well-defined and unified framework for such programs, which can cause confusion and ambiguity among instructors and future employers.

Capitalizing on the outcomes of several workshops on the Future of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education, this workshop aims at

  • Preparing current and future MRE educators to effectively design curricula and teach courses in this discipline;

  • Familiarize MRE educators with the most recent technological and pedagogical advancements in the field of MRE education;

  • Help unify and standardize MRE curricula and courses; and

  • Generate enthusiasm and a sense of community among current and future MRE educators.

Workshop Agenda

  • Introduction

  • Session I:
    - Robotics Engineering Curricula (Dr. Michael Gennert)
    - Mechatronics Engineering Curricula (Dr. Vikram Kapila)

  • Session II:
    - Introduction to Robotics: Course organization and objectives; Homework, Labs, and Projects (Dr. Vikram Kapila and Dr. James Mynderse)

  • Summary and Future Directions