Assistant/Associate Professor in Mechatronics, University of Agder, Norway

The University of Agder (UiA) invites applications for a permanent 100 % position as Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Mechatronics with a focus on Industrial IT, control systems and 3D sensor technology at the Faculty of Engineering and Science. The position is currently located at Campus Grimstad. The starting date is negotiable with the Faculty.

The successful candidate will be given assignments within external projects (equivalent to approximately 50 % until August 2019 in a defined project that has already started in cooperation with an industrial partner in the region). Besides this, the position will be given ordinary teaching tasks and other scientific assignments.

The position will be affiliated with the Department of Engineering Sciences within the Mechatronic Research group. We have a broad international cooperation, and we have a close cooperation with industrial partners and public services in the region. This is a benefit both to teaching and research. The partners contribute with assignments, competence, and resources.

For more details and to apply, click here.